I'm glad somebody else is noticing the trash these prosperity preachers are dishing out. The
Lutheran World Federation, meeting in Lund, Sweden, has encouraged members to resist these preachers of the health & wealth gospel. The Rev. Mark Hanson of E.L.C.A. said the federation must teach true Christianity "rather than some distortion of the Gospel that we (the USA) so now export and is pure heresy."
And here I was thinking the last tough Lutheran died four centuries ago, and his name was Martin.
My concept of Word of Faith is that they focuses on works in terms of "faith" towards health, wealth and prosperity. I don't view these as the essentials of Christian life and practice. Our motives in our Christian lives should be both holy and genuine. We are to present our bodies "as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God" (see Romans 12:1-2).
I reject Word of Faith doctrines for many reasons. Its a long list. If its a long list, then the doctrines they believe are not essentials for my relationship with God.
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