06 June 2013

Resolve in your heart...

Wise words from Samuel Ward...

My closing request is that you should determine and resolve in your heart not to let one day pass (God helping you by His Spirit), in which you may set aside at least a quarter of an hour one or two times a day to withdraw from all company to seek the strengthening of your faith. That is, that you may, by prayer, reading, and meditation put strength and life into your faith, til you have cheered, revived, and warmed your soul. If you shall observe this faithfully, the strength, feeling, comfort, and fruits of your faith will little by little thrive and grow until you arrive at maturity in Christ. (Taken from Faith, by Samuel Ward, Banner of Truth Trust, page 61.)

O that we may follow Ward's admonition here to live healthy spiritual lives. May we seek God in prayer to this end today.

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