The next time you sit down to pray, keep in my mind the men you know, and perhaps don’t know, that are out of work. In this economic crisis there must be at least one man you know who has lost his position. We as men are not designed to stay home even if we are keeping our selves busy with necessary duties and chores around the home. Sure, we can mend that fence and replace that leaky faucet and clean out the garage. But we were designed to work, to bring in the Kingdom with the skills and talents that our Lord has entrusted to us. It’s not only the loss of income that can be so devastating. The pure lack of fixed employment can crush the male spirit. So, go before the Lord on behalf of those men who are unemployed and ask the Lord to give them employment and until such time pray that they will not fall into despair or feel discouraged. Ask that their financial needs will be met. Ask that they will be strengthened and feel energized each day to seek for employment and not be troubled by news of the economy. Ask that they will remember and be as confident as Job when he said,
The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. (
Job 1:21)
Thank you brother for this insight into one of the most crucial prayer needs of our day. I type psych reports from around the nation and men out of work is probably the biggest problem to the psych of America today, let alone the Church.
I personally would like to see the Church look at this in a bigger way. It's not really "jobs" that we men need, but it is self reliance. Being able to provide by the sweat of our brow under the authority of our Creator, and not at the whim of some "employer". Employers are good for a step up, a time to regroup, etc, but we must educate men to not depend on the employer, but to depend on our God and the skills He has given us, especially as Christian men.
I'm currently in this position, out of work for a few months now. I'm probably looking at career change, too. What that will be, I don't know. Motivation is difficult since there is so much more to do than look for another job. But it's really not as bad as I thought it would be, and actually I'm kind of relieved that I don't have to worry about losing a job anymore.
Sermonwriter seems to have the same sentiment that I do. Thanks.
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