28 February 2009

Mohler on Porn

Al Mohler on the Pornification of Cuture. This is the conclusion of his post:

Pornography is not just about dirty magazines and movies, or even just about the Internet and one-click-away sexual fantasies. Pornography now threatens to redefine the way this society views sex itself. The real danger here is that pornography becomes so pervasive that it is no longer distinguishable from the other images and messages transmitted and received within the culture.
A society that embraces pornography as a constitutionally protected form of "speech" will have a hard time policing sexually explicit material. When courts rule that filtering pornography from public computers in a public library is unconstitutional, the public library is transformed into a pornographic playground. When employees spend company time (and government funds) viewing pornography at work, the moral character of the entire enterprise is at stake.
The real cost of pornography cannot be reduced to lost hours of labor. The far larger issue is the cost to the nation's soul. When public libraries become places parents do not let their children go, something precious is lost.
The real cost of pornography is measured in broken lives, broken marriages, broken children, and broken dreams. In reality, the true cost is spiritual, for pornography destroys the soul.
This one fact is enough to prove just how immense this problem is -- 70 percent of pornography on the Internet is viewed at work. That explains why so many employees are distracted. It also underlines the fact that pornography is truly a spreading cancer. It will not easily be forced into retreat.

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