28 January 2014

The Legitimacy of Divorce

The Christian Pundit has published a valuable and necessary post on the legitimacy of divorce. Too often women (and sometimes men) are wrongfully and unbiblically encouraged to remain in a marriage because of a lack of understanding of Scripture.

The author writes...

In the well-known passage on marriage and divorce found in Matthew 19:1-9, with its corollary in Mark 10:1-12, Jesus clearly retains the abiding legitimacy of divorce for marital unfaithfulness–as he had already done in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 6:32). .....When the faithful spouse decides to divorce the unfaithful one because trust has been so shattered that he/she believes the marriage cannot continue, that is biblically legitimate. The primary criteria is not that the marriage can potentially be salvaged. The primary criteria is her God-given freedom to choose which route she thinks is wisest, taking counsel from believers who know and love her. ...God hates treacherous divorce, yes (Malachi 2:14-16). He hates adultery, abuse, and abandonment. He does not hate godly divorce. He has provided the opportunity for a way out of a violated covenant for the innocent party. He is just, holy and good. He is a father to the fatherless, and a husband to the widow.

Please read and try to understand the awful dilemma many women are placed in today by receiving unbibilcal advice cloaked as God's Word on divorce.

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