20 December 2008

Reading Calvin?

The guys over at the Ref 21 blog are promoting the reading of Calvin through 2009. Not a bad idea, eh? Take look here for the info. Lig Duncan lists 10 reasons to read Calvin (wow, do we really need 10?). Here's his top 6:

1. Because it the most important book written in the last 500 years.
2. Because it is foundational for every Reformed systematic theology ever since.
3. Because Calvin was the best exegete in the history of Christianity.
4. Because Calvin is one of the five greatest theologians in Christian history.
5. Because he wrote it as a "sum of piety" not as an arid, speculative dogmatic treatise.
6. Because it gave J.I. Packer the idea for "Knowing God."


Stephen said...

I read Calvin this year, I think I blogged that I would do it. I read about 20-30 minutes a day most days excluding Sunday and I finished it in at the start of June. It was a very worthwhile exercise and I recommend without a list because its well written, warth hearted biblical theology.
ps my big regret is that I didn't blog my way through it so I might give it another shot sometime.

Reformed Renegade said...

I've read most of the first two books more than once. I really need to dig into the last two books which is what I hope to here.
Great to hear from you. Merry Christmas my friend.