12 March 2013

Finding Joy in Your Job (Especially when you don't like it)

    There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God,
    (Ecclesiastes 2:24 ESV)

I've often found myself in employment that I don't like - nay, absolutely can't stand. Nevertheless, I know the Lord has put me there. And, I know there are many like me. So, how do we find joy when the job seems worse than a tooth extraction? Joseph Rhea suggests five ways to find that elusive joy:

1. Repent of "ideal jobolatry."
2. Fill yourself with Scripture and prayer daily.
3. Invest in the tasks and the relationships of your work.
4. Contemplate the goodness of your job.
5. Remind yourself that your identity is in Christ, not your job

If you're really struggling, jump over to the Gospel Coalition blog and read the entire article and begin to work on these five areas. You'll be blessed. 

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