03 July 2009

It's Not My Job

When I was a young man I had had a belly full of being told to win souls for Christ. I was sick and tired of hearing it, I was sick of being a "salesman for God" I thought. It was tremendously freeing to come to the knowledge that it is not up to me to "win souls for Christ." The Holy Spirit does the work, I'm just the spokesman. I was recently reminded of this when I came across a great quote from Al Mohler on this issue. We are heralds assigned to preach a message, not salesmen charged to market a product (Tabletalk, June 2002, pg.16). How astounding and reassuring it is that we have no part in our salvation; it is completely monergistic. Soli Deo Gloria.

According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love....Eph. 1:4

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