29 June 2024

Mesha Stele: The Second 'House of David' Inscription


Note: I am not in agreement with the theology of AIBA. However, their archeological work is well done and of worthy of note.

27 August 2022

Great Website on Biblical Archaeology

 I'm always on the hunt for informative, attractive websites that appeal to my interests in Biblical Archaeology and the origins of our Scriptures. Bible Archaeology Report in just such a site.Chock full of  articles on the latest discoveries, it can keep the armchair archaeologist captivated for hours. Take a look and enjoy!!

Here's a sample

15 January 2022

Quick Book Review: Translation of the Seventy by Edmon L. Gallagher

My last book review of  The Septuagint: What It Is and Why It Matters really whet my appetite for more history on the Septuagint. I dug deeper and found Edmon L. Gallagher's, Translation of the Seventy. It was a true delight to read, or maybe devour is a better way of putting it. 

Though still an introduction to the Septuagint (LXX), this work delves deeper into the many issues that surround the LXX. 

The book is written in three sections:

I. Starting points - The reader is introduced to the LXX, its origins and why its important.

II. Canon and Text in Early Judaism and Earliest Christianity - In this section Gallagher begins to go deep. Most interesting here is how the biblical canon affected the growth of the LXX. 

III. The Text of the Septuagint among the Fathers - What is most intriguing in this section is the roles that Jerome and Augustine played in the history of the LXX.

I've only highlighted some aspects of the work, there is far more the reader will find of interest within its pages.  If church history, text criticism, early Judaism, early Christianity, are your interests or field of study this book is for you.

This work extremely insightful and helpful in gaining a greater understanding of the Septuagint.

There are paid links in this post.

16 July 2021

Book review: Reformation Anglican Worship: Experiencing Grace, Expressing Gratitude by Michael Jensen

It has been my pleasure to read and digest two works on the Anglican faith in the recent months.  J.I. Packer's, The Heritage of Anglican Theology was a delight. So I dug in again with Michael Jensen's, Reformation Anglican Worship which is part of the series, Reformation Anglicanism Essential Library available from Crossway.

Whereas Packer's book focuses on Anglican history through the centuries, Jensen's book focuses on the development of Anglican worship. Rich in history, Jensen outlines the development of Anglican worship with a close eye on Cranmer and his work. He states in the introduction, "My objective is to uncover the roots of the Reformation theology and practice of worship." He continues, "The origins of the distinctive Anglican worship— for which it is best known— lie in a clear step away from the worship of the medieval Catholic Church and the theological convictions that it represented." "...for Cranmer as a liturgist. He was a genuinely theological liturgist, seeking to enshrine a particular gospel by means of his revision of English worship." And, "In this book, therefore, I will be less concerned to outline my preferences for a particular style of church meeting than to explore the theological convictions that made the Anglicanism of the Reformation what it was and is today— and what it could be in the future."

This book is a wealth if information, not just for the Anglican or would-be Anglican, but for all of us who seek true, Biblical worship that is edifying and pleasing to our Triune God.


Casting our eye over the table of contents, we see that Jensen covers a range of topics that historically and currently are of interest.


1   The Heart of Christian Worship   

2   Worship in the English Reformation   

3   Reading and Preaching the Scriptures   

4   The Gospel Signs: The Sacraments   

5   Prayers of Grace   

6   Music: The Word in   Song Acknowledgments Bibliography



General Index 

Scripture Index

This work is well written, easy to understand, and quite an enjoyable read. Highlights for me were the last three chapters on The Sacraments, Prayers of Grace, and Music though none of the book should be discounted.

I thoroughly recommend this book for your edification and understanding of true worship.

Quotations taken from: Michael P. Jensen; Ashley Null; John W. Yates III. Reformation Anglican Worship (Kindle Locations 168-213). Crossway.

Crossway has graciously provided a copy of this book. Thoughts and opinions are my own. There are paid links on this page.


09 July 2021

Book Review: The Heritage of Anglican Theology by J. I. Packer

For sometime now I've been interested in Anglican theology but was slow to investigate my interest. So when the opportunity to review The Heritage of Anglican Theology  by J. I. Packer appeared, I jumped at the chance. Who better to explore and explain the history of the Anglican church than by J.I. Packer?

Almost immediately I was drawn into the web of Anglican history, the good and the bad, the ebb and flow, and the main players down through time. Beginning in the early 1500's, Packer takes us all the way through today's current standing in the Anglican church. As with any theological persuasion or denomination, there is both the bad and the good, the mainstream and the fringe, the conservative and the liberal. Theology and worship, true worship of God, can be messy and so it was in Anglican history.

The writing style was most pleasant; an easy read.  Complex terms and ideas are explained for the unfamiliar with Anglicanism. Of course, the worship of God, church history, and theology never operate in a vacuum. When, and it was often necessary, British history, culture, and politics are explained. Though this was a work on Anglican history, Packer always explained the correct method of worship and Biblical understanding.

To get a flavor of of the book, below is a list of chapter titles

1   Taking the Measure of the Anglican Mainstream   

2   The English Reformation   

3   Puritan Theology   

4   Richard Hooker   

5   The Caroline Divines   

6   Rational Divinity   

7   Revival Theology   

8   The Oxford Movement and Anglo-Catholicism   

9   Nineteenth-Century Broad Church Theology   

10   Anglican Modernism   

11   Early Twentieth-Century Anglican Theology   

12   Concluding Thoughts on Anglican Theology 

Afterword: Further Thoughts on the Anglican Concept of Doctrine 

Recommended Reading 


Overall the reader will get a thorough understanding of the state of Anglicanism both past and present. 

I would give this five out of five stars! Excellent book. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

For more on Packer's theological thought check out his work, Knowing God

Crossway has graciously provided a copy of this book. Thoughts and opinions are my own. There are paid links on this page.


21 May 2021

Looking to Enhance Your Devotional Time?

Sometime ago I was looking for a way to change up my devotional time. As I was exploring different avenues I came across this video by Matthew Everhard on the Book of Common Prayer. Though I'm not Anglican I've always heard good things about it. So, I purchased one and followed the directions Matthew has given in his video below. It was well worth the time and small expense. 

A less expensive option for the BCP is here (paid link).

Be blessed!

03 April 2021

Top Commentaries on Every Book of the Bible from Nathan W. Bingham

This post from Ligonier is a fantastic starting point for anyone looking to begin or expand their commentary library. Bingham's insights are well founded and I'm sure there are more one can add to the list for each book of the Bible. 

What commentaries have been most helpful to you?


19 February 2021

New Hebrews Commentary Coming Soon by Michael Kruger


Micheal Kruger, President and Professor at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte North Carolina, has a new commentary coming out in March. More instructive and devotional rather than strictly academic, I'm sure this will be worth the purchase price!

Check out his blog post here and you can pre-order his commentary here.

12 September 2020

Commentary Review: ESV Expository Commentary: Romans–Galatians Volume 10

 There are a myriad of commentaries on the market today. For the layman or pastor one must do their research to find those that employ sound exegesis, excellent theology, and readability. Crossway's new commentary series has them all. Volume 10 of the series, ESV Expository Commentary: Romans–Galatians, is enjoyable, instructive, and pastoral.

Contributions include Robert W. Yarbrough (Romans), Andrew David Naselli (1 Corinthians), Dane Ortlund (2 Corinthians), and Frank Thielman (Galatians), all well known names in their field. Each author has an engaging style that is easily readable yet scholarly.

Each book begins with an introduction and every passage studied has a section overview, section outline, comment section, and response. This commentary is fully engaging and helpful.

This would be an outstanding addition to any library. Its usefulness cannot be overstated for teachers, preachers, and layman.  ESV Expository Commentary: Romans–Galatians can be purchased at Amazon or at WTS Books.

Crossway has provided a complimentary copy of this book. Thoughts and opinions are my own.



30 April 2020

Start Your Library With These Three Works

Just wanted to share another video by my friend Pastor Matthew Everhard on three useful, starter books every non-professional ministry leader should have. Be sure to check out his links.

13 February 2020

Book Review - Galatians: Freedom through God’s Grace by Phillip J. Long

I have always found commentaries useful. My eyes light up when I come across a new commentary especially by an author I respect. Such was the case with Phil Long’s new commentary, Galatians:Freedom through God’s Grace, published by Wipf & Stock.

Commentaries come in all types but can often be broken down into two types. Those that are technical (exegetical and expositional) which are often scholarly, go deep into historical data, will often have Greek translations of specific words or variants, and more that will aid in an in-depth study for pastors and teachers. Long’s commentary falls in the other category which is more devotional. It contains little of the above but is rich with material for the laymen although may still be utilized by pastors and teachers.

Long breaks down his commentary into convenient chunks for personal or group study. Each chapter concludes with helpful study questions. The writing is not technical in the least which again, makes it ideal for personal study. Long’s goal is to emphasize Paul’s overall point in the letter and he does it well.

At 156 pages this is not a difficult read. A good suggestion would be to study along with the author in each section as he has them laid out. To give the reader an idea what to expect, below is the table of contents:

1 Introducing Galatians | 1
2 One Gospel | 9
3 Paul and Judaism | 17
4 Paul and the Apostles | 27
5 The Antioch Incident | 37
6 Crucified with Christ | 48
7 Law and Faith | 60
8 Law and Promise | 72
9 Being Children of God | 84
10 Stop Acting Like a Slave | 91
11 Sarah and Hagar | 101
12 Freedom in Christ | 110
13 Life in the Spirit | 119
14 Doing Good to All | 135
15 Bearing the Marks of Jesus | 145
Bibliography | 155

Highlights? Yes! There are too many to mention in this brief review but I found that throughout the work Long’s emphasis on Paul’s point is worth noting, such as what we find on page 132:

Paul argues throughout the letter the Gentiles are not converting to Judaism and they are therefore not under the Mosaic covenant. But Paul does not release Gentiles from all moral responsibility.

Also worth noting is Long’s explanation of each Fruit of the Spirit.

This is a 5-star work. I benefited greatly from the author’s insights. Galatians: Freedom through God’s Grace would be an excellent study for any men’s study, women’s study, adult Sunday School class or personal study. I highly recommend it.

Wipf & Stock has provided a complimentary copy of this book. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

31 December 2019

2019 Year End Reading in Review

Here’s just a few of the books I’ve consumed this year. Obviously I’m devouring much in the field of textual criticism. Loved every page I’ve read and I can recommend each book in the stack below. If your seeking to deepen your understanding of early Christianity, get a grasp on textual criticism, and comprehend how the Scriptures have been passed down to us today, any or all the works below are a serious place to begin.

24 January 2019

Book Review: Can We Trust The Gospels? by Peter J. Williams

If you’re anything like me, you find the study of textual criticism fascinating. But, most folks in the pews today do not. They instinctively or subconsciously trust the translators down through the centuries that the Bible they have is God’s Word. Moreover, they trust the Lord that He has given them His Word. And that’s OK. However, what about the man on the street who struggles with questions of the age, transmission, accuracy, and therefore the truthfulness of the Bible. Can We Trust the Gospels? by Peter J. Williams seeks to answer those questions and does so successfully.

I have personally encountered these objections from people who reject Christianity based almost solely on the rejection of Scripture and therefore they reject God. This is one area that we who accept Scripture as God’s Word must have a basic understanding in order to defend what we believe. I was drawn to this book as soon as I read the title.

At 160 pages, it is not an in depth study of the Gospels or their defense and was not intended to be so. This work offers a basic understanding for evidence to believe the Gospels are worth trusting. It is, however, also more than just a cursory walk through of the evidence. Each chapter is written to enable the reader to have confidence that what they are reading in their Gospels is not superfluous nonsense written long ago.

Chapter Titles

1 What Do Non-Christian Sources Say?
2 What Are the Four Gospels?
3 Did the Gospel Authors Know Their Stuff?
4 Undesigned Coincidences
5 Do We Have Jesus’s Actual Words?
6 Has the Text Changed?
7 What about Contradictions?
8 Who Would Make All This Up?

What stood out, among many, many things, is why we have four Gospels. What was the focus of each one? Why do they seemingly disagree at times (chapter 2 & 7)? How the Gospels authors were aware of people, places, names, and culture (chapter 3). Where the Four Gospels differ from the later non-canonical gospels and why. Contradictions – are they really contradictions (chapter 7)?  How it would be impossible for four independent authors, at different geographic locations, at different times within the first century, be able to relate the same accounts in the life of Jesus. Chapter 4 is uniquely interesting. It demonstrates how small details that may appear in one Gospel account but not in another Gospel, such as the feeding of the 5000, corroborate the accounts as accurate and true and impossible to coordinate between the independent authors if they were not true. Thus authenticating the accuracy of the individual accounts and the Gospels themselves.

This is a five-star work. Easy to read, easy to digest and easy to enjoy. Well worth your time and effort.

Crossway has provided a complimentary copy of this book through Beyond the Page. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

23 July 2018

Bible Review: The ESV Archaeology Study Bible published by Crossway

As an armchair Biblical archaeologist I was excited to see that Crossway has published The ESV
Archaeology Study Bible. I have numerous Bibles of all bindings, covers, translations, etc., but this Bible just may become my “go to” Bible.

Features? This Bible is full of them. It is a hardbound volume and at over 2000 pages, it’s no light weight. Features in this volume make it a valuable tool for pastors, teachers, layman, and armchair enthusiasts, like myself. Even if archaeology is not the reader’s main focus it would be an exceptional addition to any library.

Just some of the features in this volume are:

  • Archaeology articles of interest
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • Sidebars (with an index)
  • Concordance
  • Table of weights & measures
  • Timelines
  • Maps (with an index)
  • Background of the OT
  • Background of the NT
  • Author Bio’s
  • Copious notes
  • Cross references
  • Did I mention maps?

This study Bible will be well used in my library for study and lesson preparation. And, it has maps. Did I mention that? Maps always give me a helpful point of reference for the Biblical narrative and this Bible is packed with useful maps and an index.

For the non-teaching laymen, this volume would simply be enjoyable to slowly sift through gaining practical knowledge while bolstering spiritual understanding at the same time.

Drawbacks? The pages are extremely thin. But at 2,024 pages and nearly 2” thick, they need to be. On the other hand, to contain as much useful information as it does, those pages need to be thin.

This study Bible is well worth the purchase price and contains so much info you won’t be able to put it down. I have spent many enjoyable hours just paging through it, picking up info I didn’t have. It may very well become your "go to" Bible as well.

Crossway has provided a complimentary copy of this book through Beyond the Page. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

10 April 2018

Book Review: Kiss the Wave: Embracing God in Your Trials by Dave Furman

There are many works on the subject of suffering. Many of them good, some very good, Kiss the Wave: Embracing Your Trials by Dave Furman is exceptionally good. Dave Furman is a pastor in Dubai and is no stranger to suffering. He has endured a nerve disorder that gives him pain everyday. He speaks not only Biblically on this issue but also from his own experience. Throughout the book he offers personal stories from his life. Suffering comes in many forms and Furman delves into them all.

“I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.”

As many know, this is a Charles Spurgeon quote.  Spurgeon suffered much in his own life from depression and several physical ailments as well. He was fully aware of the pains of this life and thus we have this famous quote from which the title of this book was taken.

In thirteen easily readable chapters Furman addresses the many aspects of suffering. Whether it be a physical difficulty, emotional distress or from many other issues, he takes us through and offers endless encouragement and many Biblical helps to sustain the reader.

Furman points out that we too often look for our significance from the world, depend on our circumstances for happiness, beg for physical and emotional healing all the while we may be missing God's point.

Rather with great pastoral care and love the author directs us to "...embrace the reality that God is using your pain to make you more like Christ." That's difficult to fathom but Furman explains this truth. "...The way to fight through our trials and grow in holiness is what we've talked about all through this book. Growing in holiness doesn't start by trying harder, but by believing better. We need to hope in the future grace we have in Christ..." God uses weakness to show our need for dependence upon him." Because ultimately, "This is why we kiss the wave. Our trials  are an endless buffet table with opportunities for us to grow and look more like Christ. As you struggle through your pain, be comforted that God is not wasting this trial but is doing a good work in you..." (All quotes from Kiss the Wave: Embracing Your Trials by Dave Furman.)

Furman never minimizes the pain the reader may be going through. He knows of it all too well. But he equally knows he easy it is to let frustration rule, to feel self pity, and to give over to sin in our darkest moments.

Furman's final chapter and conclusion are most encouraging. I'll leave that for the reader to explore. The appendix includes helpful recommended resources, a general index and a scripture index.

Give this book a read. You'll find it most helpful and encouraging.

Crossway has provided a complimentary copy of this book through Beyond the Page.

27 October 2017

Book Review: How to Read Understand the Old Testament Prophets by Peter J. Gentry

Many Christians struggle to make sense of the Old Testament. If you fall into this camp, you're not alone. Its not easy, let's face it. Peter Gentry's new book, How to Read & Understand the Old Testament Prophets is a great read and one that can assist the Bible reader with comprehension of the O.T.

This is not a scholarly work. It is written in simple language that even the newest of believers will understand. It will open the door to some of the most difficult passages to wrap your head around and perhaps provide a new perspective on some of those same passages.

...reading and studying the Bible may not be straightforward for readers with a modern and Western background in culture and language. The biblical texts in origin are ancient and Eastern— they come from a different culture and a different time. Kindle Location 168). Crossway.

One of the highlights of the volume is acquiring an understanding of the difference between modern western literature and that of ancient Hebrew literature. There is a vast chasm between the two that most readers today are unaware of. Moreover, Hebrew authors employed the recursive approach.

The normal pattern of Hebrew literature is to consider topics in a recursive manner, which means that a topic is progressively repeated. Such an approach seems monotonous to those who do not know and understand how these texts communicate.  (Kindle Location 172). Crossway.

Grasping these two points will do much to enhance the reading and study enjoyment for the modern Bible reader.

As Gentry continues, he offers specific and valuable examples from the O.T., often from Isaiah. These examples will do much to increase the reader's grasp of the prophets. Word pairs, triplets, typology, metaphors, symbolic language and especially apocalyptic language are subjects covered with enough clarity that the reader will derive an enhanced ability to engage with the OT authors.

Of most import, why was this written for us? What was the ultimate purpose?

...one major purpose of the Old Testament prophets was to bring the people back to faithful love and loyalty to Yahweh in the covenant relationship established at Sinai (Exodus   19– 24) and renewed at Moab (Deuteronomy). (Kindle Locations 446-447). Crossway. 

I can recommend this book with great enthusiasm. Not all of Scripture is perspicuous and this book will be an indispensable aid to those who wish to delve further and more deeply in the study of the O.T.

Crossway has provided a complimentary copy of this book through Beyond the Page.

For further reading and study

Handbook on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament: Exegesis and Interpretation by G. K. Beale

Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament by D. A. Carson & G.K. Beale

27 July 2017

Authors Dr. Carl Trueman and Dr. T. David Gordon speak on the Reformation

Authors Dr. Carl Trueman and Dr. T. David Gordon spoke at the recent Remembering & Renewing Reformation Conference in Hudson, Ohio. Click here for the audio and please share. Don't forget to check out their books, too.